Wyoming Proud

Like most folks born and raised in Wyoming, I am protective of our values, traditions, and the beautiful space we are fortunate to call home.

I believe in supporting local businesses, lending a helping hand, and working together to make our communities stronger. I believe in leaving it better than I found it.

We roll up our sleeves and work until the job is done.

I’m a lifelong Republican, who believes in local control, fiscal responsibility, solving problems, principles of good governance, and doing right by those who call Wyoming home. In 2021, I was appointed to the Governor’s Wyoming Wildlife Task Force. I was fortunate to work on top-priority wildlife policy issues with State Representatives, Senators, County Commissioners, and our Wyoming Game & Fish Department.

Issues of importance to me are the support and retention of Wyoming’s youth; the mental/behavioral health and wellbeing of Wyoming’s residents; support for law enforcement, first responders and military; and building a strong Wyoming for future generations.

I would be honored to serve as the voice of Casper’s House District 56 in Cheyenne.

Get in Touch

Your thoughts, opinions and concerns are important to me, and I want to hear them. Reach out anytime and I'll respond as quickly as I can. If you live in Casper’s House District 56, I’d love to buy you a cup of coffee and hear your thoughts. 

Give me a ring, 307.439.5364, or drop me a note, elissa@campbell4wyoming.com. I look forward to connecting!